Intuitive Activities

New Moon collective pick a card 7-17-23

Hello lovelies. Welcome to your New Moon collective pick a card. How will this powerful New Moon energy influence you? Venture below to pick your cards.

Take a moment and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and ask Spirit to guide you to the cards for you. Open your eyes and follow your intuition as you choose your cards. You may be guided to multiple cards. Every feeling is relevant.

1-6 is what Spirit wants you to embrace during this New Moon energy.

7- 11 is what is being activated for you during this New Moon energy.

12-15 is what Spirit wants you to know surrounding the energy of this New Moon.

Leave your chosen cards in the comments below. You may be drawn to more than one card for a row, that’s fine. Feel free to share this post and tag a friend who may need some guidance as well.

If you feel like the messages I give resonate deeply with you and you if led to pay it forward, I’m going to leave my PayPal link, Venmo and cashapp tag below. If you would like to donate any amount, even $1, this helps me to be able to continue to do this for you all. Love donations accepted too. I also do private personal readings, (currently booking New Moon readings) if you’re interested in pricing and booking information just message the page.❤️

Venmo @MoonSistersTribe

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May many New Moon blessings flow to you. 🌑

Oracle decks used:

Mystical Shaman by, Colette Baron-Reid

The Shaman’s Dream by, Colette Baron-Reid

The Sacred Forest by, Denise Linn

1-6 is what Spirit wants you to embrace during this New Moon energy.

1 ~ Heart of Sky

The Heart of Sky is the love force that made all creation possible. This same force is present when you create with originality, when you bring formlessness to form or inspired ideas to expression. This primeval force does not know good or bad; it is up to us to provide the clear intention that will guide it to manifest. The Heart of Sky helps us call in beauty from the invisible world—and birth it in the world of matter.

The Heart of Sky brings you a sacred reminder. You are a channel for the original energy of creation. Become the paintbrush, the canvas, and the artist, all guided by the Heart of Sky. Set your intention, ethically and clearly, and allow the universe to take care of the details.

2 ~ Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is a practice that helps you recover a part of yourself—your energy, your enthusiasm, or your innocence—that you have lost. At first, we’ll use soul retrieval to recover from our hurts and heal our childhood wounds. Later, we learn to journey to recover our original nature.

You are no longer fragmented; you are one with Creation. You have healed the cause of the pain you feel, so you do not need to dwell on it any longer. Really, it’s true! If you are still hovering over an old wound, find a new flight path. Don’t be distracted with the little stuff you’ve already mastered.

3 ~ The Curse

The Curse refers to the limiting stories of our ancestors, and the karma from former lifetimes that preordains the events of our lives. It is the source of negative patterns, and it can show up as a disease, a destructive force, or a blockage on our creative energy. The curse holds us hostage to a false story that we confuse for reality. Recognizing the original wound that is playing out in our life can heal it.

It is time to recognize the source of your limitations. This karmic legacy is ready and waiting to be seen, to be untangled, and to be released. Honor the players and their stories. Forgive everyone and everything. Craft a new life course for yourself!

4 ~ Many Paths

All paths lead to Spirit. What you bring to your journey is what will determine if yours is a path of suffering, a path of wisdom, a path of bliss, or a path of loss. Consider the traveler who met two stonemasons. He asks one what he is doing, and the mason replies, “I am squaring out this stone.” He asks the other, who is doing the exact same thing, and gets the reply, “I am building a cathedral.” One man has a job; the other man has found his work and calling. He is part of an endeavor much greater than himself. Be sure you pick a path with a heart.

You have outgrown your current situation and risk losing your way in your own backyard. You are being called to step out of your comfort zone. Respond now, while the call is still a gentle whisper. Even though the woods look thick and impenetrable, venture in and let nature guide your steps through the dark until you reach your destination. Remember, if you do not know where you are going, any path will take you there.

5 ~ Eagle

Eagle comes from the east, the place of the rising sun, of new beginnings. She soars high in the sky, sees the smallest detail with clarity without losing track of the bigger picture, and nests in the high mountains. For Eagle, there are no obstacles, only opportunities. She calls you to ascend, to acquire perspective, so you can fly wing to wing with Great Spirit.

Have you become trapped in your daily routine and feel you do not know where to go and what to do next? Have you lost your sense of purpose? Eagle invites you to take a deep breath and spread your wings. When was the last time you opened them? Eagle reminds you that your spirit was born to soar to the heavens. As you contemplate choices, ask yourself: “Do I want to live in a chicken coup, sheltered from life, counting the regular feedings, or do I want to soar like an eagle?” If your answer is the latter, then you must accept Eagle’s invitation and embrace the courage that will help you choose freedom.

6 ~ Serpent

The Serpent is the life force of Mother Earth. The coiled serpent of the Kundalini brings passion, healing, and renewal. She offers us the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and reminds us to shed the past the way she sheds her tired, old skin. Serpent comes to offer you the forbidden fruit that will set your passion and creativity free.

The Serpent power of the Kundalini is stirring within your chakras, gently asking you to embrace its mystery. Shed the old skin that you have been so attached to, and welcome the vulnerable pink underbelly that will bring you a fresh experience of your life. Your passion and sexuality are awakening, and this can be scary. Trust the wisdom of Serpent to transform your sensual energies into beautiful, original manifestation.

7- 11 is what is being activated for you during this New Moon energy.

7 ~ A Tidy House

If your emotional world feels messy and unruly and you can’t seem to get clear, it’s time to see how your environment is affecting you. Although your inner world had a huge impact on what shows up in your outer world, the reverse is also true. You can be influenced by the people who populate your daily life and the energy of the objects you surround yourself with- basically, everything in your surroundings. Now is the time for an inventory and full clearing of your environment.

Ask for clarity from your relationships, and do not make assumptions at this time. Clear and unambiguous communication is key. You may choose to let go of some people from your life when this shows up. This is a good thing; otherwise, you might stay in these relationships too long out of a sense of obligation and social courtesy when in truth there is nothing holding you together. Be impeccable with your word, say what you mean, and be willing to make whatever changes are necessary to clean up your side of the street. If you know you are doing the right thing, it doesn’t matter who has an opinion. That said, right now, once you are sure your proverbial house is a tidy one, there is a release of energy to begin new things, to enjoy life, and to know with certainty that you are on the right path.

8 ~ Mind Full

The human mind can be so many things: a prison, a latrine, a circus, a temple, a cave… It can be a place of restriction or a place of nev-er-ending expansion. Right now, be careful of where you wander in your mind. The quality of your thoughts is key, as you’re in a fertile time for full manifestation. You want to ensure that the seeds you plant will sprout and flourish into the life you seek to grow. Be mindful not to scatter weeds.

It’s easy to be influenced by others right now too. Especially in our digital age, it’s hard to protect yourself from the energy and the sheer amount of information bombarding you 24-7. If you allow all the fear and uncertainty to pollute your mind and emotions, you will fill yourself up with this negativity and then see more of it in the outer world. Stay out of gossip and other forms of groupthink, for when you cut another person down to their “level” due to their perceived mistakes or limit them by your envy, you activate lack for yourself. So fill yourself with thoughts of plenty. Imagine your universe unfettered by scarcity and alive with abundant hope and goodness. Be mindful of what your mind is full of, and keep the faith. Good brings more good, love more love, gratitude more things to be grateful for.

9 ~ Moon Maiden

The Moon Maiden arrives to offer you a new beginning, a new face and facet of yourself that is aching to be shown to the world. Those qualities that you have been quietly cultivating are ready for the limelight. The secrecy was important, for it protected your new face and kept what was precious close to your heart. But now it is time to come forward in full splendor.

Announce the new you to yourself first!

Reveal it slowly to the world, like the waxing moon. Allow others to be surprised by how mature and grown-up this side of you is. Now it’s time to set yourself free. The Moon Maiden belongs only to herself, and she is summoning the parts of you that challenge convention, that refuse to be intimidated, and that cannot be tamed or put inside a golden cage.

The Moon Maiden invites you to shine with your own light, to have radiant curiosity, and to ask anyone who offers you a mouthful of dogma, “Why do you believe this is so?” Question everything others assume is a given, and do not collude with the drama around you. Become an unpredictable being yet an eminently reliable friend. The Moon Maiden invites you to answer only to yourself and reminds you that you are not anyone’s property. Be true to your soul’s calling, even as some around you, in a relationship or a job, want to capture your light inside a bottle. You know how to rise to the occasion, just as unfailingly as the moon does. When the time comes, you return to darkness and become enshrouded in mystery until you are ready to return.

10 ~ Jeweled Web

Approaching any oracle requires you to come in with certain expectations. You’re either looking for confirmation of what you already know or attempting to shed light on what eludes you on the obvious path you’re on. You’re asking whether you will reach a desired goal of some kind. You’re rarely able to see beyond memory or projection. And so, naturally, everyone comes to the oracle with a narrow perception of what’s possible.

Imagine that the answer to your question is not about “landing” at a particular destination, meeting a goal, connecting to a special lover, reaching an end game, or experiencing anything specific. Instead, you discover a shimmering web of jewels you didn’t know existed! The world is interconnected in a living web of energy. It isn’t possible to “know” how any of it works, but know this: what is in your highest good is a sparkling jewel that lights up for you among this web of possibilities. You just need to know how you want to feel, and choose this consciously.

Take your focus off getting anywhere; practice feeling and being in a place where your desired experience has already come to pass. Who will you be when this is true for you? Can you be that now? Feel that now? Practice that-the better you know your path within this web of life, the more it will light up for you. It is celebrating you already.

11 ~ Magician’s Sword

When the Magician’s Sword appears, you are called to cut the cords that bind you to old thought forms and beliefs, or to friends who are not true. With the power of the Magician’s Sword, nothing can stop you, hurt you, or turn you away from the beauty you seek or the goal you desire with all your heart. The sword is a tool, not a weapon, so make sure you wield it wisely and for the greater good. Find the stuck places where you are kept tethered to a toxic person, a particular location, or a faulty thought or belief, and let the blade do its magic.

You have a large endowment of magic available to you when you believe in miracles. But don’t look to the Universe to grant you a wish; look within. Use the Magician’s Sword to cut through limiting beliefs (and remember that all beliefs are limiting), and focus your intention in order to create what you wish. You have all the tools you need for the task at hand; you need only to muster the wherewithal to deploy the resources you have.

When the Magician’s Sword appears, it is time to get moving. This is not a tool for contemplation- for gazing at the finely polished edge. It is an instrument calling for decisive action. And remember, the Sword is alive, with a wisdom you can summon to help you find the best course of action. Do not hesitate, act!

12-15 is what Spirit wants you to know surrounding the energy of this New Moon.

12 ~ Frog Spirit

The frogs three stages of development (egg, tadpole, fully formed amphibian) symbolize renewal, resurrection and transformation. The card speaks of a profound restoration of your life that is occurring. It’s never too late to begin again. If your past was less than successful, remember this—— you hat has occurred does not need to mandate what will occur. You can start out fr ag and new. However, if you do what you have ways done, you will get what you have always gotten. In order to reboot your life, you need to do things in a different way. Abounding good luck is activated and awaiting you!

Be willing to release any preconceived notions of how life should unfold. This is a time to be adaptable. Be willing to change; abundance and good fortune will follow.

13 ~ Bee Spirit

This message comes a wonderful sign that abundance and sweet energy is coming your way. It can also be a card of productivity and organization, so if you have been indecisive, disorganized, and unfocused, this card can mean that it’s time to focus. Reprioritize your life. Have you been too busy, with nothing to show for all your work. Decide what is most important and take steps in those directions.

To activate the prosperity you desire, this card can also signify that it’s time to work hard. Be willing to put in time and energy, and your goals will be attained. Your efforts will pay off. Bees work together, so also consider who’s energy aligns with yours and how you might collaborate to achieve your desires. By doing this, good fortune will ensue.

Through out history, bees and their productivity are admired because they bring us honey, which is associated with the sweetness of life, nourishment, and wealth. Honey is also associated with gold in many legends. The message Bee Spirit brings is that with diligent work, you will gain gold.

The sweet abundance of the Universe is flowing into your life. However, you need to take action and perhaps join with others to align with the frequency of your dreams. Believe that you deserve, and your goal will unfold.

14 ~ Pegasus

History is replete with myths and legends of a winged horse, the protector of the soul. The pegasus represents the immortality of your spirit and the journey to the heavens. The appearance of this card is a sign: Get ready for a dramatic activation of your spiritual journey! A powerful transformation is at hand. Great things are possible in your life. Prepare yourself to fly high above adversity.

The pegasus’s rise above the earthly realms offers a higher, celestial perspective. Take time to meditate, and profound insights about your life will be revealed. You are asked to see the situation at hand from a higher perspective. Step away from the drama and emotional manipulation of others.

Some stories describe that where his hooves strike the earth, new springs emerge. Life begins anew. In Greek mythology, Pegasus activates and befriends the nine Muses who inspire creativity, liberal arts, music, science, poetry, and visual arts. Hence, Pegasus is symbolic of creativity. The message here is to focus on the incredible creativity, vitality, and spiritual awakening within you!

You’re on a pilgrimage of the soul. It’s time to transcend the weight of earthly burdens. Fly over situations that have been pulling you down. Don’t involve yourself with the drama of others. When you remember that you have come from spirit and are eternal, challenging situations will resolve. A profound transformation is at hand.

15 ~ Elves

Allow your inner child to play. Embrace your innocence. If you have been taking life too seriously, this card reminds you to lighten up. All that is required of you is to enjoy yourself. If your responsibilities and hard work have clogged your life-force energy, it’s time to give yourself a break and have some fun. Nurture your spirit by doing something unexpected, madcap, or even silly. The greatest gift that you can give the world is your joy, so make play a priority.

Like fairies, elves are diminutive beings that live in the forests, meadows, and hollowed-out tree trunks. There are accounts of elves throughout history and in every country in the world. Many people attest to having seen them playing in the woods. In some traditions they are thought to be gleeful tricksters, with a reputation for pranks and mischief. Allow this joyous energy into your day now.

Embrace your innocence. Let go of heavy responsibilities. Give yourself a break. Nurture your spirit by doing something fun! Joy is as important for sustaining yourself as the food you eat.

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