Full Moon Stuff, Intuitive Activities

Full Moon collective pick a card. 2•27•21

Hello lovelies. Welcome to your February full moon collective pick a card. How will this powerful full moon influence you? Venture below to pick your cards.

Take a moment and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and ask Spirit to guide you to the cards for you. Open your eyes and follow your intuition as you choose your cards. You may be guided to multiple cards. Every feeling is relevant.

1-6 is what needs to be release during the full moon.

7- 11 is what is being activated during this full moon.

12-15 is your overall path during this full moon.

Leave your chosen cards in the comments below. You may be drawn to more than one card for a row, that’s fine. Feel free to share this post and tag a friend who may need some guidance as well.

If you feel like the messages I give resonate deeply with you and you if led to pay it forward, I’m going to leave my PayPal link, Venmo and cashapp tag below. If you would like to donate any amount, even $1, this helps me to be able to continue to do this for you all. Love donations accepted too. I also do private personal readings, (currently booking Full Moon readings) if you’re interested in booking just pm the page.❤️


Venmo @MoonSistersTribe

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May many full moon blessings flow to you. 🌕

Oracle decks used:

Mystical Shaman by, Collette Baron Reid

Earth Magic by, Steven Farmer

Enchanted Maps by, Collette Baron Reid

1-6 is what needs to be release during the full moon.

1 ~ The Child

The Child knows the way to joy and happiness. The child offers the returns of second innocence, a time born of wisdom and not of naïveté. This card allows you to correct your course and offers you a second chance. It brings you the possibility of redemption and entering heaven while on Earth.

The child is here to release you from the habit of being yourself, and to help you acquire a beginner’s mind so that you can see life as if for the first time. Remain open to learning and discovery. Who is looking back at you in the mirror in the morning? Become a mystery unto yourself, reconnect with a sense of childlike wonder.

2 ~ The Corn Reversed

Corn represents the mother of sustenance and tangible abundance. This symbol represents material prosperity in the world of form that provides stability and sustenance to many. There is more than enough.

Beware of shortcuts to your dreams or a fast track being offered to you now. Be especially mindful of your feelings of entitlement or an expectation to get something for nothing. This is a time for gratitude, perseverance, and humility. Be prepared to work toward your goals, and plant the seeds of your intentions consciously and respectfully. Release any insecure thoughts of scarcity, feeling that there is not enough, or worry that someone else could take what is yours. Know that the universe will always provide, but you must be in a relationship with it in order to receive. You will reap what you sow. Take heart; even if you didn’t plant well and have conjured up the illusion of a drought, there is always a new season to begin again.

3 ~ Luminous Warrior

The Luminous Warrior has no enemies in this world or the next. He is impeccable in word and deed. He focuses on light rather than what hides in the dark. Since he casts no shadow, he is as radiant as the sun and can transform his most terrible enemy into his ally. His power comes not from the sword but from speaking his truth at all costs.

The Luminous Warrior reminds you it is important to focus on your power, wisdom, and beauty. Do not be seduced by what seems wrong with you or with the world. Remember that intention follows attention, so focus on your positive traits; feed your light with more light, until you feel truly empowered. Then there will be little need for action, as you resolve all situations from within.

4 ~ The Serpent Reversed

The Serpent is the life force of Mother Earth. The coiled serpent of the Kundalini brings passion, healing, and renewal. She offers us the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and reminds us to shed the past the way she sheds her tired, old skin. Serpent comes to offer you the forbidden fruit that will set your passion and creativity free.

When you shed the past gracefully, life will not strip it away with great drama—indeed, that is something you want to avoid. Do not use your energies to seduce others, or allow yourself to be seduced, even by your own ideas!

5 ~ Taming in Wind

Here the feather, a symbol that is used in clearing ceremonies, for smudging, reminds you of the sacred commitment you make to your life. This is the symbol of consciously bringing the spiritual into the material, infusing the world with reverence and an acknowledgment of the higher planes of existence that influence and animate all life. The feather is a symbolic reminder of deliberately entering into a partnership with the Great Spirit to co-create for the highest good for all.

It’s time to clear your energy, be present, and become conscious of how you communicate. This is a good time to write in a journal and put your thoughts into a cohesive form. Perhaps you need to actually do a smudging ceremony in your home or office, creating a sacred space to write about your dreams and desires. Just remember that when Taming the Wind appears as a symbol, it is time to honor the Great Spirit with reverence and respect.

6 ~ The Sorcerer

This is the source of dark power. The Sorcerer represents the destructive aspect of the human psyche and the self-centered behavior that harms others. It symbolizes the unconscious beliefs and ideas that foster separation, conflict, and scarcity.

When the Sorcerer enters your circle, you’re being called to look at how your beliefs around scarcity and self-centered fear manifest in your world. Examine the destructive part of your psyche that misuses power or harbors feelings of resentment, vengeance, lust, greed, bigotry, or hatred. Perhaps you’ve harmed someone because of these dark tendencies. If so, all is not lost. You have only forgotten that all beings are interconnected and the universe is abundant. The Sorcerer arrives to challenge you to change your thinking. You’re given a second chance. Correct your course and and practice not blaming others for the darkness that lives inside you. Make peace with it and choose another way.

7- 11 is what is being activated during this full moon.

7 ~ Stone People

Remain vigilant at this time, but not out of fear. “Vigilant” simply means opening up your mind and senses to information as it is presented to you: through your eyes , ears, physical sensations, and detached thoughts. It is especially true in two main areas. First, follow any guy feelings that may tell you to be wary about someone or something; second, pay close attention to an important opportunity that presents itself, one that may enhance your life and the lives of others. Maintain your vigilance of the clues around you and inside of you. Assess what is emanating from your body, and then sort out any conditioned responses from what is purely instinctual. Examine the situation with heart, intuition, and mind in harmony; for this is how vigilance serves you. Detach, take a breath, and stand tall in you stature.

8 ~ Fog

You are enmeshed in confusion and uncertainty, and are unsure if it will ever clear up. This is not the best time to make decisions, particularly any major ones. Know that this foggy veil will eventually dissolve. Although there may be ways you are unconsciously contributing to this state, the greater truth is that this is simply a cycle you are moving through, and like all things, this too shall pass.

Allow yourself to feel confused – in fact, decide to be confused. No matter what attempts you make right now to make things happen or move in any specific direction out of impatience or frustration, you risk only creating more confusion and uncertainty. So be still and patient. Wait for that first glimmer of awareness to lift the veil so that you can see the choices before you more clearly and can then choose to align yourself with the will of Spirit.

9 ~ Cave

There is a quiet, still place inside of you that will always be available as a sanctuary, yet finding such a place in the natural world will enhance and compliment this internal place of peace. Whether it is a cave, meadow, forest, seashore, or any other setting in Nature, this is where you can see, hear, and feel the presence of the Creator in your surroundings. Let it become a temple for your heart and soul. Rather than having your computer, television, or any other human made device or activity be your sanctuary, allow yourself to discover the perfect place in Nature where you can simply be and breathe. Doing so bridges the connection between the internal and external, facilitating a spiritual communion that allows your being to be aligned in dramatic and and quiet reverie with All That Is. in today’s busy world, it becomes even more critical to set aside time for sanctuary— even if you have to schedule it!

10 ~ Dance

The sacredness of any celebration is dependent on the quality of spirit that is present. The quality of spirit is greater to the degree that you are fully present, with minimal inhibitions about expressing your joy and happiness through physical movement. Focus on what you want to celebrate. Put on some music and dance, whether slow or fast. Sing a song while you do so. Make one up about what you have to celebrate. Spirit’s wish is for everyone to enjoy their time on Earth, and part of that wish is to celebrate your capacity to be joyous and express it through your body. Whether in private, or a large communal gathering, let music, song, and dance be a part of your sacred ceremony regardless of what you are celebrating. For truly, any celebration is sacred.

11 ~ Fairies

You have the same power available to you as the fairies do. It starts with loving the Earth through tough heartfelt gratitude and appreciation, but more important, through your actions. The fairies can help you reconnect in a more intimate way with the Earth, and all they require is your willingness to pay attention to the trees and plant life around you and demonstrate your care. Whether you live in a small space or have an expanse of land, make it a point to be especially attentive to your surrounding vegetation. Plant something. Get your hands in the dirt and do so with love and enthusiasm. Every flower, tree, or shrub you are attending is a living being, so treat each like you would a dear friend. Ask the fairies to help you take care of these friends, and you will be rewarded many times over.

12-15 is your overall path during this full moon.

12 ~ Rock Bottom

As difficult as it may be to accept, it seems that you’ve reached a point where you can go no further in the same manner in which you’ve been doing things. Per- haps you’ve hit a proverbial brick wall, or experienced a deep sense of loss and don’t know where to turn. The old way of doing things must be discarded fully in order to move onward and upward. A new direction and a new strategy are called for.

The only way out is through surrender. Accept things as they are, and admit that you have no idea what to do next. If you wait in that heartfelt moment of release, then a stairway will appear, like magic, and all manner of synchronicities will show you the way to higher ground. The Rock Bottom card is a sign that a miracle is about to occur, but only if you let go completely.

13 ~ Ghostlands

Whenever you set your sights too far ahead, you run the risk of losing your footing, for rarely do the present and future match up exactly on the Enchanted Map that is your life story. The future has no substance right now; it is a place that has no grounding as of yet. You can’t live there, yet you can take measured steps to- ward a goal or dream. These steps are important now.

The same goes for nostalgia. You can look into the past wistfully and remember beautiful moments or revisit lessons learned. However, you can’t live there, nor can you go back and change what was. Yesterday is gone forever. Live fully in the present. The “now” is the most powerful place to put your attention. Its magic reaches out in every direction, further than the heart and soul can see.

14 ~ Wishing Well

Desire is the most important impulse for creating life. Now you’re seeing the relationship between desire and inspiration, and sensing that moment of truth when you feel the inception of new life. It is an “Aha!” moment when everything makes sense.

Perhaps you recognize a soul mate, or are conceiving a baby or an idea. The Wishing Well card awakens you to the presence of unseen forces that enable new beginnings. Divine intelligence activates the field of possibilities where new life is co-created in a magical way. Neither you nor anyone else can know how or why this happens. It just does.

To that end, you can’t control the process of growth. Rather, you must step aside to be a channel for higher forces and relinquish any attachment to how this new creation should appear, or when. Form your intention, and take action by dropping the coin into the Wishing Well; then trust in Spirit. Prepare to be amazed.

15 ~ Education

Wisdom comes from participating in life, not just reading about it. This card suggests that you might not have enough knowledge about what you seek, the direction to take, your circumstances, or the nature of your inquiry. Important information is coming. Now is the time to go to school, ask a person who might know more than you do, or find a teacher or a course of study so that you can more clearly understand what the next right action must be.

Sometimes life unexpectedly sends you to an unfamiliar school, and you must learn by experience. Now is a time to be teachable, open to changing your preconceived notions. Be a student, and be willing to state the most powerful mantra of all: “I don’t know—yet.”

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